The Trump bomb — Greater Fool – Authored by Garth Turner – The Troubled Future of Real Estate (2025)

#1Dolce Vita on 09.26.24 at 12:29 pm

Off Topic


= the number of Cdn Beaves as of July 1 2024, All Ages.


– All Ages reported for 2 Genders: “Women+” and “Men+” in StatCan parlance.
– Median age 40.3 yrs.
– Average age 41.6 yrs.
– 11,672 Centenarians (9,472 of them Women+).
– No Seasonal Adjusting.


By Geography, All Ages/Median Age:

Newfoundland and Labrador
545,247/47.8 <— Oldest Median Age

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

New Brunswick






British Columbia


Northwest Territories

41,159/26.8 <— Youngest Median Age


By Generation:

Lost Generation – 1883-1900 + Greatest Generation – 1901-1927

Silent Generation – 1928-1945

Baby Boomers – 1946-1964

Generation X – 1965-1980

Millennials – 1981-1996

Generation Z – 1997-2012

Generation Alpha – 2013-present


Sources: (Discussion) (Raw Data) (Raw Data)
Google Search "Generation by Age"

#2crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 12:33 pm

Either way…prepare.
B&D portfolio and batten down the hatches…

@#75 Sailio
“Coerced response”

“Mandatory” indoctrination.
Their truth…not
The truth.

The silent majority is very very angry.

#3Smartalox on 09.26.24 at 12:36 pm

I don’t understand the quote from the UBS report; it makes their economic prediction seem like an either/or option, when this clearly isn’t the case. For example, defense industries that have seen a resurgence have done so completely under the Biden administration, mainly to replace and renew US arms stockpiles drawn down to support foreign wars that did not exist in 2020. Surely those (strictly, and by law, US domestic industries) will continue to thrive until the US’ stockpiles are replenished, in what’s estimated to be 5 to 10 years from now, at current rates, regardless of who is President.

Though if Donald Trump is elected, and makes good on his pledge to ‘end the war in Ukraine on day 1, it would imply that the Biden administration’s spending on defense would be more likely to be reduced under Trump, than under Harris.

The US was at war in 2020. More falsity. And Trump cannot, will not end tehe Ukraine war. How can you guys fall for this? – Garth

#4Quintilian on 09.26.24 at 12:37 pm

They predict a recession in Canada as a result of the Republican victory, with a spike in inflation at the same time leading to a reversal in interest rates.

The spike in inflation prediction would be quite likely.

However, the interest rate reversal is not.

Trump would make it clear to the next Fed Chair et al, he wants lower interest rates, and let inflation roar.

Artificially suppressing rates and the resulting inflation, have been a very lucrative for millionaires, billionaires, as well as those who indulge in the illusion, that they are richer than they think.

And those groups vote and influence election results.

#5mj on 09.26.24 at 12:40 pm

very good balanced post for both sides. I agree tariffs are inflationary, Trump will drill and be energy independent. That should reduce inflation, so we will have to see how it works out.

The US is already energy independent. – Garth

#6TMac on 09.26.24 at 12:40 pm

Not mentioned, but a very valid point I think, is the democrats need for endless war (used to be the democrats but every so often the parties exchange priorities). No shortage of war fronts opening and ongoing for Harris to support endless military contracts. The problem is that the US is playing with nuclear powers this time around. This could end very very badly.

Democrats did not invade Ukraine. They did not trrorize Israel on Oct 7th. This is a bogus argument. – Garth

#7Dolce Vita on 09.26.24 at 12:43 pm

As long as Trump or Kamala leave US Mr. Market alone, I don’t care who wins nor to I care for either of them.

No looking good for Harris. Seems like pole after pole, she trails Trump and can never break beyond 250 electoral seats.

Trump’s electoral seats oscillate between 290 to 325, 270 needed to win.

Election Time about as unbiased as you will find, looks at the latest polls by State, past election results, etc.

Latest projection:

Trump 291
Harris 247

The closest I’ve seen it in the past few months.

—> defense, energy, financials and industrials it is then and maybe a rocky ride for US-Cdn trade.

As for Scotiabank, I don’t believe a word they say, TD for that either. Incompetent analyses by these 2 in the past year would be kind.

#8TurnerNation on 09.26.24 at 12:44 pm

Our Rulers are updating the process for the minting of New Canadians®

It now takes 1,095 days + 9 months.
Then presto, we have a New Canadian®
Bill C-71 would allow a Canadian parent born abroad who has a substantial connection to Canada to pass on citizenship to their child born abroad beyond the first generation. It would also provide them with access to the direct grant of citizenship for their child born abroad and adopted beyond the first generation.
To demonstrate a substantial connection to Canada, a Canadian parent who was born abroad would need to have a cumulative 1,095 days of physical presence in Canada before the birth or adoption of the child.

— —

The last Border war was fought in 1812. We won, right? Else we’d be Speaking American.

Wars are fought over LAND.
Why Donald Trump wants to turn a ‘very large faucet’ to get Canadian freshwater

#9Barb on 09.26.24 at 12:45 pm

Someone said “God sent Trump because He was all out of locusts”.

Poor, poor Canada.

#10Squire on 09.26.24 at 12:51 pm

Yup, thanks Liberals and lefties for pushing away foreign investment.
Nice move.

#11Chalkie on 09.26.24 at 12:58 pm

Safe havens are scare under regardless of who wins the US election, choice of sane or insane bets for us Canucks have a bullseye on your checking accounts.
Feeling good about all the hype in TESLA stocks, if you purchased them around March 2022, you are still $110.00 US Dollars under water.
If the US Democrats keep the White House in November, Musk most likely will get a good spanking that will hurt his TESLA sales
Because if all of his rhetoric— stay tuned for the gong show, interestedly enough and also entertaining in Maple Leaf and Maple Syrup Country .

Quote of the day: they are all liars except you and me and sometimes I have my doubts about you.

#12WTF on 09.26.24 at 1:00 pm

Trump. Very Dangerous.

Lucky Loser, is a well researched book by two NYTimes investigative reporters.

The grifts are constant and widespread. The bulls#it flows like a firehose , the intellect is not remarkable (aside from his ability to flim flam) politicians, bankers, IRS, judicial system, media ALL duped at one time or another. Everything he touches eventually disintegrates.

Daddy’s money, and his political /legal connections along with former McCarthy right hand man Roy Cohn enabled this dangerous clown. It paints a picture of a person who would make Charles Ponzie look like the pope. Attention span of a flea, critical decisions based on emotion, failures (many) blamed on others.

If he loses the election, litigation will be his constant companion. Karma will bite him hard.
Agree with Susan, similar timeline/outcome.
Very secure future indeed! Thanks GT!

#13conan on 09.26.24 at 1:01 pm

Trump will make a big mistake in Europe and the next
US President after him will be forced into a D- Day 2.0 situation.

Like voting for a migraine headache.

#14CapitalD on 09.26.24 at 1:01 pm

Just more Fearmongering, because ‘my politics’.

#15enthalpy on 09.26.24 at 1:02 pm

a recession because of the orange man?

we are already in one.

#16crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 1:05 pm

Democracy in action…

#17Linda on 09.26.24 at 1:12 pm

Of the two POTUS candidates, does sound like Trump would be more detrimental to Canadian economic interests than Harris would. As for dealing with debt, good luck with that. The automatic response is to kick that debt can down the road. However, must wonder about the ‘debt ceiling’ that keeps coming up for the USA. The latest one is due prior to the actual election as per the news. So maybe whoever ‘wins’ the election gets to deal with a fiscal crisis? Plus whatever other fallout there may be – Trump has made it clear he won’t accept any election result that doesn’t put him back in a president, so if voters do actually pick Harris for the win, will there be ‘civil unrest’? The right to bear arms means most Americans can fire at will. Can’t imagine the markets reacting positively to that…..

#18I’m stupid on 09.26.24 at 1:13 pm

Garth you of all people should know that politicians that have their countries best interests at heart aren’t politicians, they write blogs. Getting Re-elected comes first and everything else comes second. The best we can hope for is that country comes before self interests.

#19jess on 09.26.24 at 1:31 pm

so a cheaper steak by burning down peoples home/land is worth it?

In October 2023, the Brazilian government evicted these land invaders, but a recent flyover by Global Witness revealed active fires, indicating that both deforestation and invasions are still ongoing.

As the Amazon rainforest faces the worst fire season in two decades amid a severe drought, the destruction of Apyterewa is intensifying. This is because fires in the Amazon are largely triggered by human activity, especially by those clearing forests for land grabs.

Data from Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has confirmed more than 300 fire alerts since the start of this year, underscoring the persistent threat.

#20Ballingsford on 09.26.24 at 1:58 pm

Are we sure Scarlett is a dog? Right color but looks like a cat to me. Also reminds me of Trump.

#21RAH on 09.26.24 at 2:04 pm

#1 Dolce Vita on 09.26.24 at 12:29 pm
Off Topic


= the number of Cdn Beaves as of July 1 2024, All Ages.




During your honeymoon did you have Calculus equations on the ceiling?

#22stealth on 09.26.24 at 2:08 pm

Thank you Garth, sounds great,

“nobody knows nothing.” John Bogle, founder of Vanguard. (to be fair others have quoted it too perhaps originally)

No one can predict the future let’s enjoy the ride mostly optimistically with a drop of caution/conservatism in financial affairs.

Thank you for your and your team’s service in publishing daily posts. (sometimes I think that even though you may not be on Parliament Hill every day your public service never actually stopped)

#23Jens on 09.26.24 at 2:12 pm

“A combination of tax increases, more regulation and a pro-labor bent, would also likely be a net negative for equities.”

Perhaps the biggest offsetting factor to this is that middle-class people tend to spend whatever tax breaks and wage increases they get, and big corporations and banks have become exceedingly efficient at extracting spare money from the masses. Small-caps, on the other hand, stand to benefit directly from policies friendly to the entrepreneurial middle class.

More income and economic revenues also result in increased government tax revenues. Whether that will completely offset the crazy public spending down south, I doubt though.

#24Balanced on 09.26.24 at 2:12 pm

So, what will your firm do to prepare your B&D portfolio?

Allocate for Trump?
Allocate for Harris?
Stay the course, regardless?

#25Bill Zufelt on 09.26.24 at 2:26 pm

Let’s inflate away the debt.

#26NeoLib Millennial on 09.26.24 at 2:27 pm

An alarming number of Canadians will cheer for Trump to win to spite themselves, just to “own the Libs”.

#27PeterfromCalgary on 09.26.24 at 2:28 pm

Both candidates suck. Harris is a socialist and Trump is a protectionist. I miss Ronald Reagan although he was a little protectionist.

#28SunShowers on 09.26.24 at 2:30 pm

“What should you do to prepare?”

I like how often this question gets asked, and as long as you have a B&D portfolio, the answer is always the same.

“Trump implies inflation. Harris represents big government. Both, say TD’s economists, are putting America on the road to an inevitable date with debt.”

Nuts to a “date”, America is already in a long-term relationship with debt, even worse than we are (8th per Capita for them, 9th for us. Debt is 121% of GDP for them, 106% for us).

#29alexinvestor on 09.26.24 at 2:30 pm

A recession is coming in Canada whether we get Harris or Trump. Consider:

Job vacancies are steadily dropping. The only jobs that are increasing are social services. … 6a-eng.htm

Businesses are closing at a rate not seen since Covid. … 6b-eng.htm

First they freeze budgets hoping to make it through. Then they are forced to fire. Universities and colleges that got fat on international students are going to get hammered. … -1.7332218

#30DON on 09.26.24 at 2:37 pm

Is it too much to ask the media and think tank orgs to shed their political bias and provide balanced reporting.

Fear and doom mongering.

It is getting a little pathetic.

#31DON on 09.26.24 at 2:41 pm

I am no fan of Trudeau…I saw him coming a mile away. But now we have a potential PM who has never held a job other than political. Great choices…note getting my vote. If elected people will be bitching about him sooner than later.

#32Jason on 09.26.24 at 2:52 pm

I know the answer is to stay invested. Okayyyy. I knowww.

But my greed / fear devil is on my shoulder saying “maybe just pull half out and put it into a HISA or money market fund, hope for a big pullback with market unrest after the US election. Or a Trump win. Then re-deploy at the market bottom and make millions! (or at least thousands in my case).”

But yes, yes, stay invested, blah blah blah.

And thanks for being the stay invested angel on the other shoulder Garth and team!

#33crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 2:56 pm

@#29 alexinvestor

“First they freeze budgets hoping to make it through. Then they are forced to fire. Universities and colleges that got fat on international students are going to get hammered.”

My heart bleeds for those over hyped, degree factories that specialize in anti semitism.

#34Ed on 09.26.24 at 3:01 pm


#35Faron on 09.26.24 at 3:07 pm

Interesting seeing some light Holocaust denial happening in yesterday’s comments. It’s amazing how strenuously some people are willing to work to try to escape the fact that thousands of kids died and or disappeared from residential schools. One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.

#36Real estate investor on 09.26.24 at 3:13 pm

The solution is to sell more houses on the global markets. $2 million dollar condos and $3 million Toronto detached will be the minimum price.

#37Ponzius Pilatus on 09.26.24 at 3:26 pm

Selensky is in the Oval Office.
Says (the) Ukraine will win the War.
CNN now calls it a war between (the) USA and Russia.
No surprise there.
Next: War between Hamas and Hezbollah will be called the war between US and Iran.
“Intelligence” says Iran is behind assassination attempts.
Trump says Iran will pay a heavy price, if he’s elected.
In short, what can go wrong?

#38Ustabe on 09.26.24 at 3:29 pm

#31 DON on 09.26.24 at 2:41 pm

I am no fan of Trudeau…I saw him coming a mile away. But now we have a potential PM who has never held a job other than political. Great choices…note getting my vote. If elected people will be bitching about him sooner than later.

It is pretty amazing what people will overlook simply due to party lines. We, as a nation, rarely vote a party in, mostly vote a party out. Trouble is this time the party most likely to benefit has a convoy supporting, off shore money loving, money laundering criminal father in law as leader.

It is a hopeless election looming…no where to go. My only hope is that it is a minority Con government.

#39TheDood on 09.26.24 at 3:31 pm

“…..and deportation of the dog-and-cat munchers.”


#40Quintilian on 09.26.24 at 3:33 pm

#31 DON on 09.26.24 at 2:41 pm

I am no fan of Trudeau…I saw him coming a mile away. But now we have a potential PM who has never held a job other than political. Great choices…note getting my vote. If elected people will be bitching about him sooner than later.

Hey Don,
I became disillusioned with Trudeau and have been parked my vote with the Greens since he called an unnecessary early election.

And ,although, he and the Libs need be sent to the sin bin for quite some time, I still wish there was another way out for him rather that the humiliation of being beaten by somebody like PP, and his mob.

Nobody deserves that.

#41TurnerNation on 09.26.24 at 3:33 pm

Keep an eye on the Food Supply. When the Leftee Profs. take notice you know it’s not just an Online Consp. Theory.
We are almost back to 2019 Normal. So close.

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, scientific director at the Agri‑Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University and co-host of The Food Professor podcast, aghast at how the bill passed through the Commons with such “little resistance,” warned that while the bill purports to defend against the next pandemic, “a deeper analysis exposes provisions that could disastrously impact the agriculture and agri-food sector, which are vital to our national economy and food security.”

“Under this bill, public health officials could have the authority to close facilities they consider ‘high risk,’ such as meatpacking plants, during pandemics and even ‘mandate’ the consumption of vegetable proteins by Canadians — measures that border on the absurd,” wrote Charlebois in an op-ed published Wednesday in the Toronto Sun.””

— —

Where is Blog Dog Carney??
House prices have climbed considerably since the start of the global pandemic. Expectations of future price increases and strengthened investor demand likely contributed to this rise. A large misalignment of house prices relative to longer-term market drivers could lead to an abrupt price correction in the future. Such a correction can, in turn, bring on financial stress for households because housing often represents their largest asset. – Bank of Canada

#42Flop… on 09.26.24 at 3:34 pm

#21 RAH on 09.26.24 at 2:04

#1 Dolce Vita on 09.26.24 at 12:29 pm

Off Topic

= the number of Cdn Beaves as of July 1 2024, All Ages.

During your honeymoon did you have Calculus equations on the ceiling?


Yeah, and then he yelled out let’s Multiply baby…


#43Shawn on 09.26.24 at 3:35 pm

What should [we] do to prepare?

I know, let’s bid U.S. and Canadian stock indexes up to record levels with lofty multiples. What could go wrong?

#44San on 09.26.24 at 3:36 pm

I’m predicting some type of financial panic/crash between now and the November U.S. election, due to the uncertainty of the result and the fear of Trump’s response should he lose.

#45Harry Hector Badgering on 09.26.24 at 3:37 pm

Peterson Institute – put down the crack pipe!

Harris for the win in ’24 baby!

Cheers buddy!

#46Dogman01 on 09.26.24 at 3:42 pm

Sounds to me that Americans would benefit from Trump.

Never understood how an working person benefited from outsourcing all the manufacturing overseas so corporate interests could then import the stuff back to sell it in US Markets.

No benefit for US citizens there.

Can’t understand how an average worker in the US benefits from mass illegal migration either. Seems to keep the demand labour low and wages kept low.

If you are a US citizen and work for wages….pretty clear whom you should vote for….

Also you can avoid having all your money spent on foreign wars and you sons killed in foreign adventures.

Tariffs increase consumer prices. And there are no US sons being killed in foreign wars. – Garth

#47Shawn on 09.26.24 at 3:42 pm

The population data

Alberta has the youngest population age average at 38.0. I mean the youngest among the only four provinces that matter.

PEI is legally a province, which is hilarious. It should be a theme park or maybe a National park.

Nunavut is interesting with a population age average of 26.8!! Probably a typo? Or it’s because in the dark months there is nothing else to do but make babies?

#48Barb on 09.26.24 at 3:46 pm

#27 Peter
“I miss Ronald Reagan…”

Superb stance on essential services. He outright fired air traffic controllers when they went on strike.

We in Canada–and especially BC–could do that.

#49cramar on 09.26.24 at 3:47 pm

I cannot believe how many Trump supporters think he is better on the economy. If they think things are tough now, if he gets in, the average American will get a world of pain. And the rest of the world will be infected as a result of the Trump contagion plague.

I think the stock market will figure out lower taxes won’t help with the economy in a tailspin and global chaos. It is better with more of the same as now.

#50Shawn on 09.26.24 at 3:53 pm

With massive tariffs on China, which companies are vulnerable to retaliation?

I know Starbucks has a huge presence there. What could be more American that Starbucks and what could be more symbolic than China simply confiscating all their operations?

#51Irish Stew on 09.26.24 at 3:59 pm

Fear mongering.
The world will be fine w/ either Dem or Republican.

If you ever feel bad about being in US or Canada – think of where else you could be… always could be worse.

#52Dogman01 on 09.26.24 at 4:06 pm

I watched this Global News story about rental housing challenges:

I suspect Left Leaning viewer and a right leaning viewer perceive this situation very differently.

It is a Rorschach test.

#53Quintilian on 09.26.24 at 4:08 pm

#40 Shawn on 09.26.24 at 3:35 pm

What should [we] do to prepare?

I know, let’s bid U.S. and Canadian stock indexes up to record levels with lofty multiples. What could go wrong?

Shawn, although I have referred to the stock exchanges as casinos, one thing even I can’t deny is that the equity markets are generally efficient, and it will wring out the excess foam rather quickly, and then reset for madness again later on.
But the bigger mess will be when the government spawned pool of new buyers of RE dries up and the bubble bursts it will take years to fix up.

Here in BC it has gotten so bad that the Provincial Government is offering to partner with purchasers and take on 40% of the mortgage to be paid back after 25 years.

But here is the kicker…. The purchasers have to be in the highest 10% earners to qualify for the mortgage on the proposed new builds. This is for a specific project, but nuts just the same. When 10% of top earners need government support to get into the housing market you need to ask:

What can go wrong?

#54Ah Huh on 09.26.24 at 4:13 pm

We’ve had 4 years of each now.

Clearly Trump is far better!

#55GB on 09.26.24 at 4:14 pm

Wait…you didn’t answer the question.

What should we be doing to prepare?

Any changes to a B/D portfolio

#56Triplenet on 09.26.24 at 4:16 pm

#41 Flop
My bachelor pad had a big mirror on the ceiling…..
Objects in mirror are much larger than they appear.

#57BILLIONAIRE VS PINKO on 09.26.24 at 4:20 pm


#58kommykim on 09.26.24 at 4:20 pm

I hate him, but a Trump/Republican win would boost US equities just like the last time he won.
Canadian equities would get hammered once the tariffs and shenanigans start. Unless PP gets down and worships the little mushroom within the orange forest, and pleases him enough. Either way, there’ll be inflation of one kind or another.

#59Ed on 09.26.24 at 4:23 pm


#60None on 09.26.24 at 4:26 pm

“But wait. Kamala’s kinda scary, too.”

There’s the inevitable false equivalency and endless reach for ‘balance’.

Give me a break – the consequences of a trump is a meltdown on a global scale and Harris is a stronger middle class?? Yeah, seems equally scary (eye-roll)

Yeesh, you people.

#61SHANE GALLANT on 09.26.24 at 4:30 pm

Stagflation for Canada if Trump wins?

#62Joe Schmoe on 09.26.24 at 4:41 pm

I am dragging the age of my province waaaaay up!

I have never been an outlier before!

In Canada, I just plan on voting for whomever gives me the most whilst taking the least. Because I deserve it! I may not have earned it, but when has that ever mattered in politics?

#63TurnerNation on 09.26.24 at 5:01 pm

A K. victory will be a disaster.
In a Dem. controlled state yeah this guy, the Running Mate as its governor,
Property sells for 10 cents on the dollar.

Soft on Crime, Hard on Business. The Dem way.

“”Downtown Minneapolis office space sells for just $10.25 per square foot
Last week, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal reported:
Two downtown Minneapolis office towers have sold in a deal representing one of the core’s steepest discounts in recent history.

The 634,000-square-foot Forum buildings, previously known as International Centre and Oracle Centre, sold last week for $6.5 million, according to a real estate filing with the Minnesota Department of Revenue published Monday afternoon.

The price is about 91% lower than the property’s last sale, at $73.7 million in 2019.

Neither is this a one off:
Some of the other major discounts of office buildings in and around the CBD have included the Kickernick Building and LaSalle Plaza, which sold 80% and 70%, respectively, below their last purchase prices.””

#64Walter on 09.26.24 at 5:02 pm

…The industries that would benefit more from a new Trump presidency would be defense, energy, financials and industrials, they said.”

Trump plan extremely good for USA!

#65Barb on 09.26.24 at 5:22 pm

…and, as if the Trump/Harris; Poilievre and Trudeau risks aren’t enough to be concerned about, let’s run the Ouija board over these “findings” from the International Panel on Climate Control:

#66Penny Henny on 09.26.24 at 5:26 pm

Trump or Harris, no matter to me.
I’m sure my Canadian blue chips will still be churning out 8k per month.

#67NOSTRADAMUS on 09.26.24 at 5:37 pm

TD’s major new report on the American White House slugfest concludes a Harris win would mean more of what we have now, while Trump in the Oval Office again would bring a boatload of change – good for Musk and Zukerberg, not so hot for the economy.

Could this possibly be the same T.D. that recently reported a “RARE LOSS” in the third quarter after setting aside US $2.6 billion in a money laundering probe.

I suspect that before too long T.D. will be burning through financial advisors as it struggles to replicate the success of its earlier years.

Just when you think the dust has settled “POOF”. a strong wind blows and up and away goes inflation.

Bank-employed economists in Toronto have zero to do with US employees who transgressed. Dumb comment. The lost credibility is yours. – Garth

#68BCWally on 09.26.24 at 5:37 pm

Geez, really negative options. What about a gridlock scenario between the senate and congress? Would that be better for us?

#69Really? Not! on 09.26.24 at 5:57 pm

#3 Smartalox- “The U.S. was at war in 2020, more falsity. Trump cannot and will not end the Ukrainian war. How can you guys fall for this?” -Garth
Sadly, you’re right about the war. There’s too much $$$ being made there by the mic, and after all, it’s good for the economy. And Unkiee Sam protect’s our sorry asses, since the LiberalCons have left our borders unprotected for decades. However, the RepublicRat government will continue its business as usual warmongering ways until the final red line is crossed. Dog help us all!

#70JacqueShellacque on 09.26.24 at 6:00 pm

Weird to think of people and think-tankers thinking about a ‘possible’ presidency by His Orangeness – he already was president. What happened then?

Also on the inflation point Garth you’ll probably not recall a point I made earlier on your reference to the idea that deporting foreign workers would be inflationary. It’s certainly true that a large class of goods, call them A, would increase in price. But in the absence of money supply increases, the money used to pay for those things would have to come from not buying B, which would decrease the price of B. This would certainly cause, er, adjustment issues. But we’re starting to figure out here in the West that cheaper lettuce and roofing jobs carry externalities that aren’t equally borne by all.

#71Sail Away on 09.26.24 at 6:01 pm

Wow, miners up 20% in the last few weeks!

Cyclical biz, ‘tis. Accept the cycle, reap the rewards.

#72Tom from Mississauga on 09.26.24 at 6:03 pm

The US will be fine, they have the largest millennial generation in the advanced world next to New Zealand, plenty of future taxpayers, other advanced countries are old folks homes (including Canada) with an inverted demographic pyramids. These US budget studies are ridiculous.

Also to think a future Democratic President would be any softer on trade than Trump clearly wasn’t paying attention to Biden. He didn’t roll back a single Trump era tariff in fact he expanded them with the Chips Act, the IRA, Buy American and now softwood lumber. Trade protection is not left or right, it’s American.

#73Joseph R on 09.26.24 at 6:08 pm

#64 Barb on 09.26.24 at 5:22 pm
…and, as if the Trump/Harris; Poilievre and Trudeau risks aren’t enough to be concerned about, let’s run the Ouija board over these “findings” from the International Panel on Climate Control:


SCNR is owned by Subverse.

The CEO is Tim Pool, a known Russian activist (asset) who was recently caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

Russian Propaganda is bad and you should feel bad.

#74jess on 09.26.24 at 6:11 pm

He was, at heart, a reactionary. He was given the nuclear codes and the Oval Office and the greatest bully pulpit in the world, and what did he do with it? He tried to short-circuit the federal government in really detrimental ways. He implemented policies that hurt African Americans and economically disadvantaged minorities. He believed things that weren’t true and repeated them publicly. He was into science denial, he was a seeming believer in creation theory over evolution, he ignored and denied the Aids pandemic. He said trees cause pollution, which reminds us now of Trump saying wind turbines cause pollution.”

SCOTT HORSLEY: Grover Norquist, who heads a group called Americans for Tax Reform, warned Mr. Obama’s fiscal commission last summer – when it comes to cutting the federal debt, higher taxes are not the answer.

GROVER NORQUIST: We’re spending too much, not taxing too little. It can be turned around. It was, in fact, when Reagan cut taxes. Tax hikes are what politicians do when they don’t have the determination or the competence to govern.

HORSLEY: Reagan famously did cut taxes, sharply, in his first year in office. But as former Senator Alan Simpson, who co-chaired the fiscal commission, was quick to remind Norquist, that’s only half the story.

ALAN SIMPSON: Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times in his administration. I was here. I was here. I knew him. Better than anybody in this room. He was a dear friend and a total realist as to politics.

HORSLEY: Simpson’s recollection is spot on, says historian Douglas Brinkley, the editor of Reagan’s diaries.

DOUGLAS BRINKLEY: Ronald Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. He knew that it was necessary at times. And so there’s a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn’t happen that way. It’s false.

HORSLEY: Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, explains the 1981 tax cut blew a much bigger hole in the federal budget than expected. So over the next few years, Reagan agreed to raise taxes again and again, ultimately undoing about half the savings of the ’81 cut.
Reagan gave the press the televised presidency they had been waiting for.

#75Really? Not! on 09.26.24 at 6:11 pm

No matter what happens on election day down there, Alberta has the ace up its sleeve. That being oil will be essential to our economy for decades to come. Sorry, watermelon and fairy dust crowd…Not! And Newliberaldemocrat party wet dreams of throttling oil production are created in the minds of man-children with trophy cases full of participation medals of past alleged glory.

#76The West on 09.26.24 at 6:17 pm

You’re got recency bias on this one.

The Thirteen Colonies and British North America have only recently (Bretton Woods) been strong allies.

Let’s face it, from an American point-of-view they are bleeding out keeping the world afloat. Whether, or not, Drumpf is the “isolationist” who reels that nation back to sanity – Ottawa had best be preparing for the day it actually happens. It will. Bet on it.

(Ottawa must be sweating at how much foreign investment they’ve chased away in the last four years, huh?)

#77jess on 09.26.24 at 6:18 pm

to be was a crime?

Justice Department finds Lexington, Miss., police ran illegal ‘debtor’s prison’

why doesn’t this representative respond to the police in lexington’s illegal debtors prison
Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins walks back racist comments about Haitians after backlash
September 26, 20242:58 PM ET
Following a comprehensive investigation, the Justice Department announced today that the City of Lexington, Mississippi (City), and Lexington Police Department (LPD) engage in a pattern or practice of conduct that deprives people of their rights under the U.S. Constitution and federal law. Lexington is a town of approximately 1,200 people, located about an hour outside of Jackson, Mississippi.

Specifically, the Justice Department finds that LPD unlawfully

Arrests, jails and detains people who cannot pay fines or fees, without assessing their ability to pay;
Uses excessive force;
Conducts stops, searches and arrests without probable cause, including jailing people on illegal “investigative holds” and arresting people solely because they owe outstanding fines;
Imposes money bail without justification or assessment of ability to pay;
Jails people without prompt access to court;
Violates the rights of people engaged in free speech and expression, including by retaliating against people who criticize the police;
Discriminates against Black people; and
Operates under an unconstitutional conflict of interest because LPD’s funding depends on the money it raises through its enforcement.

“Today’s findings show that the Lexington Police Department abandoned its sacred position of trust in the community by routinely violating the constitutional rights of those it was sworn to protect,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The Justice Department’s investigation uncovered that Lexington police officers have engaged in a pattern or practice of discriminating against the city’s Black residents, used excessive force, and retaliated against those who criticize them. Additionally, Lexington’s approach to fines and fees — including unlawfully arresting, jailing, and detaining people based on their failure to pay money without assessing if they can afford to do so — has been devastating for its residents. Being poor is not a crime, but practices like these amount to punishing people for poverty. People in that community deserve better, and the Justice Department is committed to working with them, the City, and the Police Department to make the City safer for all its citizens.”

#78conan on 09.26.24 at 6:21 pm

No idea why Trump is still in the mix.

#79Greg Ellis on 09.26.24 at 6:24 pm

Forget all of the temporary economic swings. The most important issue is the border. If Harris wins and 15 million more flood in illegally from third world countries, gangs and terrorist cells will flourish (which is happening already). The damage is even now irreversible. How people can worry about tariffs as a main issue is beyond perplexing.

#80Warren-the-lagging_indicator on 09.26.24 at 6:24 pm

Politics is not about the truth. They may not be the horrendous amoral troglodytes you expect. Merely actors on the grand stage feeding their respective bases the slop they crave, sustaining their victim consciousness; like Jabba The Hut… ‘they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats’. Who is the Jedi master of political rhetoric? That is right, say it slowly now, the new Prez downstairs, Donald Jamarkus Trunq. Much more effective than the ‘weird’ thing you goofy people were trying to make stick.

#81jess on 09.26.24 at 6:34 pm

A federal jury in Bridgeport, Connecticut, convicted a former oil and gas trader today for his role in a nearly eight-year long scheme to bribe Brazilian government officials and to launder money to secure business for two Connecticut-based commodities trading companies.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Glenn Oztemel, 65, of Westport, Connecticut, paid bribes to officials of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), the Brazilian state-owned oil and gas company, to obtain lucrative contracts for Arcadia Fuels Ltd. (Arcadia) and Freepoint Commodities LLC (Freepoint).


The two Russian nationals charged today allegedly pocketed millions of dollars from prolific money laundering and fueled a network of cyber criminals around the world, with Ivanov allegedly facilitating darknet drug traffickers and ransomware operators. Working with our Dutch partners, we shut down Cryptex, an illicit crypto exchange and recovered millions of dollars in cryptocurrency.”

Ivanov allegedly created and/or operated Russian payment and exchange services UAPS, PinPays, and PM2BTC, which provided money transfer and laundering services directly to criminals. Cryptocurrency blockchain analysis revealed that between July 12, 2013, and Aug. 10, cryptocurrency addresses associated with Ivanov’s alleged money laundering services conducted transactions totaling approximately $1.15 billion in value. Approximately 32% of all traced bitcoin sent to these addresses originated from other cryptocurrency addresses associated with criminal activity. For example, more than $158 million of bitcoin flowing into Ivanov’s addresses allegedly represented fraud proceeds, more than $8.8 million allegedly represented proceeds from known ransomware payments, and approximately $4.7 million allegedly originated from darknet drug markets. The U.S. Secret Service has obtained court authorization to seize domains associated with the UAPS and PM2BTC websites.

The Rescator carding website allegedly sold stolen payment card data from U.S. financial institutions and personally identifiable information (PII) of U.S. citizens. For example, the website allegedly advertised the sale of data from up to 40 million payment cards and the PII of approximately 70 million people that had been stolen from a major U.S. retail victim in 2013. The breach cost the U.S. retail victim at least $202 million in expenses and caused damage to the U.S. retail victim’s customers, who became targets of identity theft by other cybercriminals. Ivanov allegedly provided payment processing support for the Rescator carding site through the UAPS and PinPays services for purchases made on the site using bitcoin….

#82ogdoad on 09.26.24 at 6:51 pm

To be completely honest I’ll hug the winner, but couldn’t care less…

Although, I’ll defn’t watch and enjoy the lies, misinformation, deepfakes, rhetoric, posturing, duped reality show, beer on one side, squeeze on the other, with delight! (Full. Dis. I got it on during the last debate)

There has never in history been this level of tangible, quantifiable dupedness…and WE get to witness it!!! YAY!!!

OAN, with the waning summer weather I decided to go for a jog along the river…glad I did! The smiles were out in force! Now, I’m not much to look at, 6’2″, 185, 10-pack, full head and nicely browned (usually jog shirtless), but MAN! Pheeew….we are a lucky bunch o’humans, that’s for sure!


#83Ricardo on 09.26.24 at 6:52 pm


#84Shawn on 09.26.24 at 6:58 pm

In the news today…

Nova Scotian wine growers whining that subsidies from the N.S. government are not high enough.

Other provinces have resources that they can collect royalties from.

Nova Scotia banned Uranium mining and fracking and tends to “run off” most forms of industrial development.

And thinks that subsidising wine growing is the way to go. Wow!

If a business needs government subsidies, it is not viable. Sink or swim!

#85RAH on 09.26.24 at 6:59 pm

#35 Faron on 09.26.24 at 3:07 pm

Interesting seeing some light Holocaust denial happening in yesterday’s comments. It’s amazing how strenuously some people are willing to work to try to escape the fact that thousands of kids died and or disappeared from residential schools. One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.


We were out of town last week.
On the way back stopped by the Kamloops residential school “site”.

Not very tolerant of visitors ie “No Trespassing”….but a large number of newer vehicles parked there. Not sure what’s going on. Regardless didn’t get an “evil vibe” from the place.

Some think its disrespectful to “deny” what are nothing more than allegations. I’ll take a contrarian view that unless irrefutable proof is provided as rock solid evidence , it is nothing more than ill- advised propoganda imposed on 99% of the population.

My concern is this propoganda is designed and weaponized to create negative psychological impact/s and an even worse goal to attempt to guilt people in perpetuity, moreso if the allegations are based on events from the distant past. Then this “guilt” makes the malleable for other agendas.

Our “chiefs” like Eby and Trudeau seemed to have lost focus on who they actually represent.

My central Europe ” tribe ” (circa 1250 AD) was used as targets in WW2…they would have loved to switch places with the FN at the time.

#86Travelling on 09.26.24 at 7:02 pm

Every time this topic come up, I think of this:

#87jess on 09.26.24 at 7:08 pm

hospitals cannot pay the rent ! why not you ask.

….”the Dallas-based company has been struggling to find buyers for more than 30 hospitals it owns around the country. Last week, two Steward facilities in Massachusetts closed, leaving about 1,200 workers jobless, according to the state.

CBS News has been reporting on Steward’s activities as part of a year-and-a-half-long investigation documenting how private equity and other investor groups have siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars from community hospitals with devastating public health consequences.

Records reviewed by CBS News showed Steward hospitals around the country left a trail of unpaid bills, at times risking a shortage of potentially life-saving supplies.

Last month, patients as young as five years old had to be abruptly transferred out of a Steward-run behavioral health hospital in Phoenix after its air conditioning system failed and temperatures inside the facility reached 99 degrees.

A survey by Arizona’s Health Department, which ordered the hospital to cease operations, revealed the facility was consistently understaffed and found “multiple issues with the HVAC systems, elevators, and kitchen equipment with no documentation of repairs being made.”

The money trail

A review of financial disclosures and bankruptcy filings raises questions about whether de la Torre was using company money to fund a lavish lifestyle, that included two corporate jets owned by a Steward affiliate worth $95 million, according to the Senate panel.

In 2021, Steward’s owners paid themselves millions in dividends, the same year de la Torre acquired a 190-foot yacht estimated to be worth $40 million.

In the year before it declared bankruptcy, Steward also paid tens of millions of dollars to other companies where de la Torre held significant stakes. Those payments included a $37 million for “management fees” to a company called CREF where de la Torre owned about a 40% stake, according to a person familiar with the ownership structure.

A spokesperson for CREF said the company provided an array of “real estate and facility-related services” to Steward’s hospitals and de la Torre sold his stake last month.
The convening of a grand jury suggests there is potential for the embattled health care company and its executives to face criminal charges, though no charges have been brought.

#88Travelling on 09.26.24 at 7:10 pm

#65 Penny Henny on 09.26.24 at 5:26 pm
Trump or Harris, no matter to me.
I’m sure my Canadian blue chips will still be churning out 8k per month.


Canadian blue chips pay monthly?

Which of them pays monthly and not quarterly?

Are you sure what you’re invested in are Canadian blue chip stocks.

#89crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 7:11 pm

@#35 Faron’s
“One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.”

Lets spend another 5 million dollars of taxpayer money and 2 years with ground penetrating radar to come up with absolutely zero…..and declare it “mass graves”.
While the rest of the people lose their minds and burn down 300 churches.
Has anyone been arrested for those arsons? Anyone?
Are the police even looking?
Sounds about par for the course.

#90crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 7:14 pm

Speaking of Trump Bombs.

I guess that’s one brand new nuclear sub we won’t have to worry about if we go to war with China……

#91NOSTRADAMUS on 09.26.24 at 7:16 pm

Bank-employed economists in Toronto have zero to do with US employees who transgressed. Dumb comment. The lost credibility is yours. – Garth
Well color me surprised. Another steel tipped jack boot to the groin. Now, with that off my chest.
You can justify any decision (opinion) depending on what data you choose to see, what data you deem most important and what data you relegate to the irrelevant file as it does not support your point of view, “Convenient.

#92Trump bomb on 09.26.24 at 7:19 pm

Allan Lichtman, a U.S. presidential historian known for accurately predicting nine of the last ten U.S. elections, says Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump in the next election.

“Kamala Harris will become the first woman president of the United States, shattering the glass ceiling,” Lichtman said Sept. 10, 2024.

Lichtman’s predictions are based on the “13 keys to the White House,” a formula he developed with geophysicist Vladimir Keilis-Borok. If six or more keys go against the incumbent party, they lose.

Lichtman awarded eight keys to Harris, including no serious contest within the Democratic Party, the absence of a significant third-party challenge, and the economy not being in recession (short-term economy).

The long-term economy is strong, and there have been major policy changes under the Biden administration.

Additionally, there has been no sustained social unrest or major scandal tainting the administration.

Finally, Trump, the challenging candidate, lacks the charisma to sway undecided voters.

Lichtman stands by his method, saying, “Show me your 40-year track record before you throw stones at mine.”

He is confident that these factors will lead to Harris becoming the first female president.

Trust your gut, Trump’s a nut.

#93Michael in-north-york on 09.26.24 at 7:26 pm

#52 Boris Jankowsky on 09.25.24 at 8:43 pm

Russia GDP per capita increased by over 50% since 2020

Tell that to the Russian residents, they will be very surprised.

#94JSS on 09.26.24 at 7:29 pm

My bet is on Harris winning. Marginally

Not saying that she is better than trump. But she’s shown herself to be a bit more coherent, and knows when to keep quiet.

Clearly both options are terrible, and it is unfortunate that there is no third option that is a mix of the two. Same situation in Canada.

#95OriginalAdam on 09.26.24 at 7:39 pm

Sounds like if you are a US citizen, then a vote for Trump is a good idea. Bad for everyone else, but good for the USA. Seems like Iran wants Kamala to win too.

How are higher prices, more inflation and lower growth good for Americans? – Garth

#96miltee on 09.26.24 at 7:46 pm

Garth – do you think over the next decade there is an outside chance we go through a hyper growth phase driven by A.I., Robotics and other automation? Like what would happen if U.S. GDP had a 8-10% annual clip due to these technologies? That would be very promising to wipe out debt?

#97Bezengy on 09.26.24 at 8:04 pm

Sitting here in Canmore it’s hard to think about politics. On Monday we’ll head into to Kootoneys for a few days. The pic here looks like it could be the Columbia river that runs through the Koots. Isn’t that the river Trump wants to divert? Let’s hope he doesn’t get elected eh?

#98Outrage on 09.26.24 at 8:08 pm

Order over chaos . Proplem, reaction and solution . Repeat !

#99Ponzius Pilatus on 09.26.24 at 8:15 pm

#87 crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 7:11 pm
@#35 Faron’s
“One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.”

Lets spend another 5 million dollars of taxpayer money and 2 years with ground penetrating radar to come up with absolutely zero…..and declare it “mass graves”.
While the rest of the people lose their minds and burn down 300 churches.
Has anyone been arrested for those arsons? Anyone?
Are the police even looking?
Sounds about par for the course.

300 hundred churches burned down?
In the weeks after the announcement in Kamloops, 11 churches in western Canada were burned to the ground in cases determined to be arson by investigators. CBC News examined police and court records along with media reports and found 33 fires that destroyed churches in Canada from May 2021 until December 2023.Jan 10, 2024
Of course 1 church is too many.
But so is one child taken away from their parents.
Question to FURZ and RAH, and others.
Why do you hate FN so much?

#100Flop… on 09.26.24 at 8:20 pm

I do this public service announcement every year, so you guys can see why I’m not right in the head.

The sport I used to play in Australia, Aussie Football is having their version of The Super Bowl tomorrow night, it’s on TSN at 9 pm Pacific time.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say Garth is not an Adele fan, probably not a Swiftie either, I think he’s got a soft spot for Katy Perry, so he’ll be tuning in as she’s the pre game entertainment.

She has performed at The Super Bowl, a few years back, but apparently has said this is going to be her biggest performance ever.

There’s only 27 million people in Australia, but apparently hundreds of thousands of people tune in to watch the Grand Final all around the world.

First you get the sweetness of watching an American pop star perform, followed by the saltiness of 40 guys running around trying to knock each other out.

No wonder Sweet and Salty Bars are so popular…


#101Wrk.dover on 09.26.24 at 8:21 pm

#86 Travelling on 09.26.24 at 7:10 pm
Canadian blue chips pay monthly?

Which of them pays monthly and not quarterly?

Are you sure what you’re invested in are Canadian blue chip stocks.

My stocks and GIC’s all payout daily, 30.5 days/every month, including February!

My accounting is all done by the day, to suit my daily budget.

I’ve prepared for the election result by living on the equivalent to a resort.

#102TurnerNation on 09.26.24 at 8:48 pm

This just hit the wire.


Bank of Nova Scotia has issued $1.25-billion, five-year sustainability notes on Sept. 26, 2024, its first offering to the Canadian market under Scotiabank’s sustainable issuance framework. The notes represent the largest sustainability note by any financial institution or corporate in the Canadian market, and the first from a major Canadian bank since 2021.

The notes are the first benchmark sustainability issuance from any major bank globally to allow for allocation of proceeds to nuclear energy. The notes may allocate proceeds to eligible nuclear projects in accordance with the framework.

#103here are the facts on 09.26.24 at 8:49 pm

92 JSS

My bet is on Harris winning. Marginally

Not saying that she is better than trump. But she’s shown herself to be a bit more coherent, and knows when to keep quiet.


Yes, keeping quiet as much as possible is the successful tactic for Harris. Revealing too much of her this early would doom her chances for election. Why else would she avoid interviews, panel discussions, policy debates and public appearances?

Is she that good??

There is one bright spot with Kamala.

Put her in an intense negotiation debate with hostile nuclear armed leaders in a room and lock the door for one hour. The word salads would come out and so would a resounding cease fire from Iran, North Korea and Russia.

Anything to get the hell out of there…

#104Nerb on 09.26.24 at 8:58 pm

Both parties are funded by big business so either way the people will lose. In the last 40 years real wages have not gone up and wealth inequality has gone to the extreme. Is it any wonder why younger people see capitalism as a failed economic system and are moving ever more towards socialism. It seems that like todays democracy seems more like a wrestling match. A lot of huffing and puffing to get elected then do what your masters in big business tell you to do or never get elected again.

#105NotNice on 09.26.24 at 9:06 pm


‘Bank-employed economists in Toronto have zero to do with US employees who transgressed.– Garth’

Tell this to the Canadian regulator Mr.Turner

‘FINTRAC said it found that TD Bank had failed to submit suspicious transaction reports as well as assess and document money laundering and terrorist activity financing risks.’

cheers, NN

Exactly as I stated. – Garth

#106Flop… on 09.26.24 at 9:08 pm

You guys worried about Trump taking our water are not looking at the big picture.

Pure theatrics.

He wants to funnel the water into California wine country.

Then he can tell the disciples that he turned water into wine…


#107Faron on 09.26.24 at 9:13 pm

#103 here are the facts on 09.26.24 at 8:49 pm

Why else would she avoid interviews, panel discussions, policy debates

LOL, wut?

Trump rejects second TV debate as ‘too late’

#108young & foolish on 09.26.24 at 9:16 pm

BRICS is growing and suggests a global frustration with US hegemony …. the constant threat of protectionism/isolationism is fueling the creation of new alliances. How long will it be before a new reserve system evolves to rival the greenback?

In the meantime, is the ballooning debt and potential currency devaluation leading to a flight to gold ??

#109crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 9:16 pm

Ponzie’s Penultimate

“300 hundred churches burned down?”

Sorry I was counting the multiple attempted arsons at same churches.

100 churches.
And no arrests? None?

Can you imagine the hue and cry if it was 100 Band Offices burnt?

As far as hating First Nations?
I guess I’ll have to ask the 3 FN that work for me if they feel oppressed.
I have no issue with them at all.
Excellent workers, great guys. Funny as hell and even more politically incorrect than I am.
I cant repeat what they call National Reconciliation Day.

I just have issue with the endless blame, the endless cash handouts, endless endless endless taxpayer cash grab.

But, it doesnt really matter what I think.
Just give it 25 years from now when allll the descendants of the racist, evil colonialists are gone and a whole new set of Canadians ask…

“Why are we still paying paying paying for something we had nothing to do with….?”
Kinda like me….today.

#110Faron on 09.26.24 at 9:32 pm

#99 Ponzius Pilatus on 09.26.24 at 8:15 pm
#87 crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 7:11 pm
@#35 Faron’s

Of course 1 church is too many.
But so is one child taken away from their parents.
Question to FURZ and RAH, and others.
Why do you hate FN so much?

Or at least hold water for the racists who do.

And, there are active investigations, multiple indictments and convictions. Furz also has no idea how GPR works and the ramifications of exhuming remains of the family members of the living. Meanwhile, people like RAH are doing this:

Residential school denialists tried to dig up suspected unmarked graves in Kamloops, B.C., report finds

Denialism is the last step of genocide, says report from independent interlocutor

The churches have some of the facts but refuse to share many of them which smacks of guilt. Given what we know about the systematic c abuse of children in the US Catholic school system, it’s a tetch sus.

Sen. David Arnot called it “incomprehensible” that some are going to such efforts to keep the records from being released.

#111Unpinned on 09.26.24 at 9:36 pm

Thinking like a Canadian is detrimental to your financial health. The Americans need a bulkhead against the Ruskies and Putin. We are that. Also, Canada is chok a block full of required items I.e. water; minerals for the big EV and AI bonanza. Stop with the woolies. We’re good.

#112Travelling on 09.26.24 at 9:46 pm

#104 Nerb on 09.26.24 at 8:58 pm
Both parties are funded by big business so either way the people will lose. In the last 40 years real wages have not gone up and wealth inequality has gone to the extreme. Is it any wonder why younger people see capitalism as a failed economic system and are moving ever more towards socialism. It seems that like todays democracy seems more like a wrestling match. A lot of huffing and puffing to get elected then do what your masters in big business tell you to do or never get elected again.


In the last 40 years, real wages have not gone up resulting in an extreme wealth inequality.

I’d like to refute that.

I worked my wages up over 23 years during my working career. In that time, I took a portion of those wages and invested it. In this order 1) pay myself first 2) pay my needs 3) pay for my wants with what was left over. It allowed me to join the wealthy. All of that well within the 40 year timespan you indicated above (and pretty much almost all it in the later half of that 40 year span).

Can you riddle to everyone how that would be possible?

After all, capitalism is a failed system per you.

Apparently it worked pretty much as advertised for me.

If you, and everyone else out there like you, believe real wages haven’t gone up, shouldn’t you all have figured out that just a bit of delayed gratification would solve that wealth gap problem you complain about?

I think it’s more that there are a lot of lazy people out there that vote (if they vote at all) in the same lazy manner for handouts so they can continue to be lazy. Then, they complain (which is the one thing/activity they are good at and focus all their energy on) about wealth inequality and wage stagnation when a solution to all of that is in front of their lazy eyes. Of course, they’re too lazy (and probably too dumb and brain damaged from drug usage) to realize that working smart versus hard is all they need to focus on and implementing.

But go ahead, continue to be stooges.

#113Peter on 09.26.24 at 9:48 pm

I think I’m going to shelter in place…All hell’s going to break loose with a Trump win.

#114RAH on 09.26.24 at 9:52 pm

One of Australia’s typical citizens.

Hands down .

#115Travelling on 09.26.24 at 10:22 pm

#110 Faron on 09.26.24 at 9:32 pm
#99 Ponzius Pilatus on 09.26.24 at 8:15 pm
#87 crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.26.24 at 7:11 pm
@#35 Faron’s

Of course 1 church is too many.
But so is one child taken away from their parents.
Question to FURZ and RAH, and others.
Why do you hate FN so much?

Or at least hold water for the racists who do.

And, there are active investigations, multiple indictments and convictions. Furz also has no idea how GPR works and the ramifications of exhuming remains of the family members of the living. Meanwhile, people like RAH are doing this:

Residential school denialists tried to dig up suspected unmarked graves in Kamloops, B.C., report finds

Denialism is the last step of genocide, says report from independent interlocutor

The churches have some of the facts but refuse to share many of them which smacks of guilt. Given what we know about the systematic c abuse of children in the US Catholic school system, it’s a tetch sus.

Sen. David Arnot called it “incomprehensible” that some are going to such efforts to keep the records from being released.


This isn’t just a FN issue. This is an organized religion issue. If organized religions were banned, many of these abuses of vulnerable children and people would not have occurred and would stop occurring. Don’t kid yourselves. It’s still happening.

It’s time to shut down organized religion (and their affiliated charities along with their other related organizations) in Canada.

Don’t believe me. Look at what “good” Catholics do:

“You will not be welcome in our community, and we do not want this church to be anything other than what it is now, [which is] a church and a historical building that’s part of our community,” said Cynthia Power, who chairs a committee that raised thousands of dollars to renovate the church five years ago.

That’s right folks. Good Catholics telling others they are not welcome. Sounds like total cult brainwashing to me. Is that normal behaviour?

Organized religion is a blight that needs to be expunged.

#116RAH on 09.26.24 at 10:29 pm

#99 Ponzius Pilatus on 09.26.24 at 8:15 pm

Question to FURZ and RAH, and others.
Why do you hate FN so much?



Mr PP:

From where do you deduce I ” hate” FNs?

If I hated them?? I would say NOTHING,
… as the current path they are being lead on is to somewhere between oblivion and obliteration.

They own the land???
The flip side is if they somehow “disappear” then “other entities” will swoop in.

People will increasingly resent our elected Gov’ts catering and pandering to that with literally every Gov’t announcement has a group of FN in native regalia and being partners in every Gov’t action.

…my family emigrated here in late 1940’s and had ZERO say re: how FN were treated…..its even worse racism to say ALL CAUCASIANS …Past ..Present and Future are “guilty”.

Many people with “just enough” FN blood(I think it is 1/16) do not want to sit on Reserve and collect “reparations” but instead want to be active 1st world citizens.

I’m not implying that bad things didn’t happen at residential schools…but the flip side is the FN children became educated so as to survive and prosper in an increasingly 1st World country.
(The flip side to that is if the FN children were left with their FN parents..then what?)

Case Closed .

#117Bigbird2 on 09.26.24 at 10:30 pm

Due to the presence of so much global uncertainty and conflicts with China, Iran, N Korea, Russia/Ukraine etc, the US dollar will continue to reign supreme.The world will continue to hoard US Treasury bills, notes and bonds and accept very low interest rates in return. There is no alternative.
The Canadian dollar has no such exorbitant privilege and will be under threat of credit rating downgards in the coming years unless our politicians make painful structural changes.

#118Dazed and Confused on 09.26.24 at 10:33 pm

All valid financial concerns aside, of even more importance is America’s potential plunge into moral bankruptcy should the former Philanderer-in-Cheat and his MAGA cult members gain access to the oval office and his executive order crayons again.

#119nnso on 09.26.24 at 10:55 pm

At some point, over the coming decade, the music will stop, and Karl Marx take over.

#120RAH on 09.26.24 at 11:17 pm

#87 jess on 09.26.24 at 7:08 pm
hospitals cannot pay the rent ! why not you ask.

….”the Dallas-based company has been struggling to find buyers for more than 30 hospitals it owns around the country. Last week, two Steward facilities in Massachusetts closed, leaving about 1,200 workers jobless, according to the state.



Coincidentally..saw an interview on this topic today.

You cover most of the main points.. (and as I posted a while back CEO’s etc are now manipulating stocks price by cutting overhead ( ie firings and layoffs).

In this case re: de la Torre ..
…..the story I reviewed submitted the CEO de la torre and crew sold the actual Hospital/Facilities land and buildings and then leased them back. The funds from the sale were channeled back to be used as bonuses by the executives to reward the same executives for their “great business skills” .

This of course depleted their funds and left them at or near bankrupt.

Red Lobster chain ?
….went down under same scenario. Their exectutives sold the land and buildings the restaurants were located on, paid “rent”.. and this drained their finances to bankruptcy.

McDonalds???…. is NOT actually a restaurant…it is mainly a real estate company that owns and rents most of the land their franchises are located. So..if you see or hear Mc Donalds is selling locations.. seriously consider selling the stock or even possibly”shorting it”.

Crowbar Hotel for the lot of them is too good !

#121Bonobo on 09.26.24 at 11:31 pm


Hopefully Trump will win.

Whether he wins or loses the world will keep on turning just like it has done for 4.5 billion years.

Oh, and property prices will continue to rise just the same as they have for the last 2000 years.


#122Vancouver Keith on 09.26.24 at 11:55 pm

@ #112 Travelling

“I worked my wages up over 23 years during my working career. In that time, I took a portion of those wages and invested it. In this order 1) pay myself first 2) pay my needs 3) pay for my wants with what was left over. It allowed me to join the wealthy. All of that well within the 40 year timespan you indicated above (and pretty much almost all it in the later half of that 40 year span).”

In a forty year timespan, it doesn’t take a very large annual surplus, nor does it take a spectacular rate of return on investment to build a seven figure portfolio. Here’s the rub.

Most working people used to be able to buy a house, they belonged to a pension plan, and they were able to build up substantial savings. As the wheel of inflation turned, and the employer pension scheme went the way of the dodo, the vehicles of working class wealth building disappeared.

The only problem with your perspective is that if the vast majority of society proves unequal to the task of saving money, working with an advisor, avoiding divorce, career change, extended job loss or any one of a number of financial pitfalls, the fact that you have the rare ability to delay gratification isn’t a reliable solution for society. Most people need a form of forced savings, in the absence you wind up with a lot of poor seniors.

It’s a common stance to say, I did it so anyone can. Any study will tell you that the ability to delay gratification is rare in society. So rare, we’re about to have an increasing number of aging and aged broke ass working seniors, if they have good enough health to keep working. Many won’t.

When pension plans disappeared, people with no knowledge were dispatched to the auspices of the Canadian financial planning industry. A few weeks of training to sell mutual funds through a bank, a mutual fund industry with outrageous fees meant inadequate performance for the few that could actually save a few thousand per year.

In the last 40 years, family income has gone up at the official rate of inflation – which is heavily understated. Have you noticed that a unionized grocery clerk can’t afford to buy a house, and doesn’t have a proper company pension plan. Doctors in Vancouver and Toronto can’t afford a house either. Kind of sad.

I’m glad for you that you took concrete and positive action to take care of yourself. It’s obvious that most didn’t, and it’s going to get very ugly.

#123Nerb on 09.27.24 at 12:01 am

Re #112 Travelling

My points come from data, your personal experience is just that. You will not find a single Economist that will disagree with what I said here. Read Jeff Rubin, Richard Wolff, Thomas Sowell and many others. This is not my opinion, simply fact. I continue to be astonished by the denial and complete naivety here.

#124Investx on 09.27.24 at 1:07 am

“warning of a Trump win”

More like… encouraging!

#125Investx on 09.27.24 at 1:13 am

“Kamala’s kinda scary, too.”

OK, then I might as well take the scenario without the Marxism.

#126Life on Zero Avenue on 09.27.24 at 1:57 am

PS. The Loonies already $1.40. How much worse can Canada get?

#127the Jaguar on 09.27.24 at 1:57 am

I agree with #20 Ballingsford. I think it’s a cat in dogs clothing. A sign of the times…+

I don’t have a horse in the race down south since RFK Jr suspended his campaign, but it sure seems like a no brainer. Donnie’s got it in the bag. Gird your loins if you don’t like that outcome and remember the sage advice of the Rolling Stones. You can’t always git what you want.

Jordan Peterson just re-interviewed RFK Jr and at 1:02 in the exchange it was revealed that Donnie already has a ‘transition committee’ working on his re-ascension to the Oval Office. The cost for this normally covered by the US Gov once a Prez takes office, but private donors raised funds and it’s being worked on right now. Locked and loaded on arrival it seems.
Quite a few big name influencers in his orbit these days. Elon, Vivek, Tulsi, RFK Jr, etc. With peeps like Dick Cheney lined up behind Harris the ‘Pachyderm in the room’ just might be ‘Whom do you trust’?

Calm your nerves and enjoy the show folks. The entertainment line up is stellar. Here’s the week ahead:
-Rescue the Republic Rally in Washington D.C. on September 29th, 2024. – “If Americans are afraid to exercise our 1st Amendment rights in our own capital, then the Capital is clearly occupied by something un-American and we are left no choice but to face our fears and peaceably assemble there to spell out our grievances.” (use your google finger)

-Lavrov is in town. (UN). Like him or not, the man is a legend.

-VP Debate Tuesday, 9PM ET

Hurricane Helene may have landed as a catastrophic Category 4 cyclone, but she ain’t the only storm blowing into town. Just wait till we get our own election. It won’t just be the Libs going down. A price must be paid for those who sell their support for political gain against the wishes of an electorate who prefer a speedy resolution to a boil that needs to be lanced. Will it be Frontier Justice delivered by the Sturdy Conservatives? I beg of you, monsieur, watch yourself. Be on guard. This place is full of vultures. Vultures everywhere. Everywhere!

#128Jiminister on 09.27.24 at 2:28 am

Buy you Trump watches here;

#129Zxcvbnm on 09.27.24 at 5:23 am

No chance trump lost 20 but will win 24. He was 2x as popular back then, but Biden trounced him good. Biden won the most votes of any president ever. I remember Biden rallies in 20, they were epic. Biden was a monster of popularity in 20. Bigly win. All despite his popularity before and after. I expect the same massive turnout of authentic Dominion fractionally software “voters” this time around too. Trump is an idiot but was right about one thing: 2020 was stolen. Stands to rain 2024 will be too. He won’t do shit about it though, watch. It’s all just theatre to keep you in your seat.

#130Rolling Thunder on 09.27.24 at 5:41 am

Can’t see Tiff stepping up to save the CDN as mentioned The Euro costs the Loon $ 1.66 +. So forget about the perfect afternoon in Italy this fall…not a chance.

We’re getting pounded by third world currency like the Thai Baht. If Tiff were to mess with rates it sure wouldn’t be to salvage the sinking loon. There has to be a reason for foreign investors to want the loon.

There is no one investing in Canada.. not for our energy or our resources. As long as there’s no business case for Canada our currency and all imports will only continue to inflate.

Sadly the 30 billion poured into Nordvolt is lost as they seek bankruptcy. All lost. The ‘business case’ for our dollar is likely to 2-1….a .50 cent dollar or worse.

#131Wrk.dover on 09.27.24 at 6:40 am

Any of you Trump nuts catch Trump on video yesterday bawling over the fact that the TV network had promised him no fact checks during the debate? “Then they broke that promise and fact checked me during the debate.”
(six times, I think)

How can he win a debate if he is face to face with truth?

Unfair, biased fake media conspiring against God’s chosen candidate, aye?

#132Wrk.dover on 09.27.24 at 6:50 am

#112 Travelling on 09.26.24 at 9:46 pm
In the last 40 years, real wages have not gone up resulting in an extreme wealth inequality.

I’d like to refute that.

I worked my wages up over 23 years during my working career.

Too bad you didn’t have that advice for the front line workers that kept ‘the trucks coming’ and all systems working in early 2020

“Work your wages up, suckaz!”

Next time I’m in the grocery store, I’ll tell the cashier about your fine ideals!

#133Never Again on 09.27.24 at 7:51 am

#35 Faron on 09.26.24 at 3:07 pm
Interesting seeing some light Holocaust denial happening in yesterday’s comments. It’s amazing how strenuously some people are willing to work to try to escape the fact that thousands of kids died and or disappeared from residential schools. One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.


To cynically conflate something completely unproven in spite of years to do so, with a known historical, horrific event: the actual Holocaust – is beyond disgusting.

Over and over you publicly demonstrate your true low character. No wonder antisemitism is so hard to defeat, when it is so slimily slipped into unrelated discourse that it gets by our gracious host.

Educate yourself about how language matters.

#134Dharma Bum on 09.27.24 at 7:52 am

#20 Ballingsford

Right color but looks like a cat to me.

What does it matter.

As long as it IDENTIFIES as a dog, it’s a dog.

Be careful…you could be CANCELLED if you don’t think like that.

Wokeism is the law of the land.

#135crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.27.24 at 7:55 am

@115 Traveling
“Organized religion is a blight that needs to be expunged.”

Very tolerant of you.
I’m sure the 3 billion people that practice their religions would disagree with you.
P.S. I’m an atheist.

#136Steven Rowlandson on 09.27.24 at 8:03 am

The United States of America like its allies has not and will not repent of its sins but instead celebrates and defends them. Therefore national punishment and ruin is virtually unavoidable. Like the Roman Empire those nations will fall. The barbarians within will loot and plunder what is left and a new dark age will begin.
Like modern people today the Romans thought they were safe and it couldn’t happen to them. How wrong they were.

Eventually the survivors descendants if any will cobble together new nations and civilizations based on conserved knowledge, race and shared values under warrior governments according to the law of social cycles also known as the dynastic cycle. Your real estate values and view of the world will not survive the process even if you do. This is the real reset, not the one imagined by the current oligarchs and gangsters who think they will rule the world forever. If the Chinese experience is an indication none of them will survive the chaos they caused. If the barbarians and enemy soldiers don’t get them the emerging warrior governments eventually will as they purge society of political competition and criminals. Crisis = Danger and Opportunity. All empires fall. The USA and its allies are empires and bankrupt ones at that. The defining feature of empires are conquered nations under one government or multi culturalism and multiracialism within a country. The status quo is often enforced against the wishes of the founding people. It is an unnatural situation that can not last.

Trump and the Canadian leader of the conservative party will not save their countries if they are elected. Ronald Reagan and Brian Mulroney were elected to save their countries and they never even tried. They just carried on business as usual following the path of the globalists and leftist who ruled before them. Their successors were and are no different. Now matters are worse. No nation can survive treason from within. Cicero knew this to be true.

The full quote, attributed to Cicero, reads as follows: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. For the traitor appears not a traitor – He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”

#137crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.27.24 at 8:22 am

Goodness gracious.
Archeologically significant Graves discovered after being forgotten for over 1000 years.

Perhaps we could hire these folks for a lot less than 5 million dollars to unravel the mystery of the Kamloops Residential school and the “lost” 250 graves…it should be fairly easy for them since the school is only about 125 years old……

#138crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.27.24 at 8:29 am

@#136 Stevie Row

Did you discover some long lost fiction from Edgar Rice Burroughs after the LSD kicked in???

I liked his stuff as a kid.
“Warlord of Mars”
“Tarzan of the Apes”
All that allegorical symbolism just washed over my prepubescent head…It was the cool supersized green horses and slaves that made it all so real….


#139crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.27.24 at 8:36 am

Speaking of crazy.
Yo ! Ponzie! ( or fishman)

You should talk to your hero and have your Great Leader of Russia tone down the nuclear rhetoric.

One almost wonders if he’ll do something really really stupid to try and alter the US Election.

He’s love if “Tough Talking Trump” was in charge instead of “Serious Sanctions” Harris might appeal to a few voters.

Either way.
Putin will stop at nothing to stay in power…and if that means the entire planet must smoulder in radioactive ruin to allow him to sit on his Throne of tears….so be it.

#140SunShowers on 09.27.24 at 9:06 am

#136 Steven Rowlandson
> Ronald Reagan
>Brian Mulroney

Come on…do words even have meanings anymore?

#141Felix on 09.27.24 at 9:15 am

The picture is one of a dogawful mutt attempting to culturally appropriate the identity of a superior cat.

#142Travelling on 09.27.24 at 9:37 am

#122 Vancouver Keith on 09.26.24 at 11:55 pm
@ #112 Travelling

“I worked my wages up over 23 years during my working career. In that time, I took a portion of those wages and invested it. In this order 1) pay myself first 2) pay my needs 3) pay for my wants with what was left over. It allowed me to join the wealthy. All of that well within the 40 year timespan you indicated above (and pretty much almost all it in the later half of that 40 year span).”

In a forty year timespan, it doesn’t take a very large annual surplus, nor does it take a spectacular rate of return on investment to build a seven figure portfolio. Here’s the rub.

Most working people used to be able to buy a house, they belonged to a pension plan, and they were able to build up substantial savings. As the wheel of inflation turned, and the employer pension scheme went the way of the dodo, the vehicles of working class wealth building disappeared.

The only problem with your perspective is that if the vast majority of society proves unequal to the task of saving money, working with an advisor, avoiding divorce, career change, extended job loss or any one of a number of financial pitfalls, the fact that you have the rare ability to delay gratification isn’t a reliable solution for society. Most people need a form of forced savings, in the absence you wind up with a lot of poor seniors.

It’s a common stance to say, I did it so anyone can. Any study will tell you that the ability to delay gratification is rare in society. So rare, we’re about to have an increasing number of aging and aged broke ass working seniors, if they have good enough health to keep working. Many won’t.

When pension plans disappeared, people with no knowledge were dispatched to the auspices of the Canadian financial planning industry. A few weeks of training to sell mutual funds through a bank, a mutual fund industry with outrageous fees meant inadequate performance for the few that could actually save a few thousand per year.

In the last 40 years, family income has gone up at the official rate of inflation – which is heavily understated. Have you noticed that a unionized grocery clerk can’t afford to buy a house, and doesn’t have a proper company pension plan. Doctors in Vancouver and Toronto can’t afford a house either. Kind of sad.

I’m glad for you that you took concrete and positive action to take care of yourself. It’s obvious that most didn’t, and it’s going to get very ugly.


I’ve always thought that every person has free will. That they are master of their of their own thoughts. That they can learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others and therefore make better and more sound decisions as a result of those experiences. Maybe you’re right and they don’t.

If that’s the case, then they’re screwed and it’s their own problem.

#143Travelling on 09.27.24 at 9:46 am

#123 Nerb on 09.27.24 at 12:01 am
Re #112 Travelling

My points come from data, your personal experience is just that. You will not find a single Economist that will disagree with what I said here. Read Jeff Rubin, Richard Wolff, Thomas Sowell and many others. This is not my opinion, simply fact. I continue to be astonished by the denial and complete naivety here.


So much useful data. Just understand it and then apply it in a way that betters your life.

And yet, people don’t.

Why is that?

If wages are not growing, then shouldn’t people be intelligent enough to think about an alternative to making a simple wage that won’t get them ahead?

I guess most people are not intelligent per your data and my personal experiences make me intelligent as I’m able to see and grasp the possibilities to prosper.

#144Travelling on 09.27.24 at 9:56 am

#132 Wrk.dover on 09.27.24 at 6:50 am
#112 Travelling on 09.26.24 at 9:46 pm
In the last 40 years, real wages have not gone up resulting in an extreme wealth inequality.

I’d like to refute that.

I worked my wages up over 23 years during my working career.

Too bad you didn’t have that advice for the front line workers that kept ‘the trucks coming’ and all systems working in early 2020

“Work your wages up, suckaz!”

Next time I’m in the grocery store, I’ll tell the cashier about your fine ideals!


Everything in life is a choice.

I made decisions that got me where I am now. You did the same. The cashier at the grocery store also did the same.

Some choices provide meagre results and some choices provide way more.

Do you see anybody putting a gun to anyone’s head?

I don’t.

PS: We don’t need cashiers in the stores. There’s this thing called self-checkout. If the cashier job didn’t exist anymore, what do you think the cashier would do instead? Do you think so little of the cashier that it couldn’t be something better?

#145Travelling on 09.27.24 at 10:02 am

#135 crowdedelevatorfartz on 09.27.24 at 7:55 am
@115 Traveling
“Organized religion is a blight that needs to be expunged.”

Very tolerant of you.
I’m sure the 3 billion people that practice their religions would disagree with you.
P.S. I’m an atheist.


Once they’re deprogrammed, I’m sure they would agree with me.

P.S. I’m spiritual.

#146Ponzius Pilatus on 09.27.24 at 11:23 am

133 Never Again on 09.27.24 at 7:51 am
#35 Faron on 09.26.24 at 3:07 pm
Interesting seeing some light Holocaust denial happening in yesterday’s comments. It’s amazing how strenuously some people are willing to work to try to escape the fact that thousands of kids died and or disappeared from residential schools. One might reasonably think they are buried somewhere nearby.


To cynically conflate something completely unproven in spite of years to do so, with a known historical, horrific event: the actual Holocaust – is beyond disgusting.

Over and over you publicly demonstrate your true low character. No wonder antisemitism is so hard to defeat, when it is so slimily slipped into unrelated discourse that it gets by our gracious host.

Educate yourself about how language matters.
That’s the response I often get when mentioning things like the internment of Japanese during WWII.
“Hear the Nazi speak, his people killed 6 million Jews.
And he’s trying to lecture us”.
Makes people feel good and righteous.

#147Vancouver Keith on 09.27.24 at 11:30 am

@ #142 Travelling

“I’ve always thought that every person has free will. That they are master of their of their own thoughts. That they can learn from their mistakes and the mistakes of others and therefore make better and more sound decisions as a result of those experiences. Maybe you’re right and they don’t.

If that’s the case, then they’re screwed and it’s their own problem.”

With respect, we’re living in a democracy, and the great poet John Donne famously said no man is an island. The divide in wealth in a democracy means that the people who are screwed can alleviate their situation by voting to take assets and income from those with assets and those with higher income. Maxing the TFSA is sound planning, and even that may not be enough.

#148Ponzius Pilatus on 09.27.24 at 11:35 am

#144 Travelling
PS: We don’t need cashiers in the stores. There’s this thing called self-checkout. If the cashier job didn’t exist anymore, what do you think the cashier would do instead? Do you think so little of the cashier that it couldn’t be something better?
The interesting part is that many stores are now cutting back on self checkouts.
Because people are cheating and some customers have no clue what they are doing and need help.
A good example where companies’s desire to cut costs meets human nature.

#149Ponzius Pilatus on 09.27.24 at 11:41 am

Hurricane Helene proves again how powerless humans are against the power of Mother Nature.
And it just gonna get worse.
Maybe the FNs with their Tepees where ahead of their times.

#150Shawn on 09.27.24 at 11:58 am

Wither Mortgage delinquencies?

Unemployment is up.

Interest rates and mortgage payments are up a lot for SOME people, versus what they were paying.

Home prices are down and buyers are scarce so there is little ability to escape the payments by selling.

This is a recipe for higher mortgage delinquencies.

#151Deacon on 09.27.24 at 11:59 am

One can only hope that we have at least 10 years of higher interest rates reaching at least 1996 to 1998 year levels as the socialist, liberal economists, central banks, policymakers and government policies of low interest interest rates and high cost of living with them always understated at 2% inflation. They are basing their whole living and propped up profits on this mantra and it should be hit hard. Keeping interest rates low and giving money to most people that clearly can’t pay it back is not a capitalist, free enterprise system. It is just more welfare cases on a bigger scale of corporations, consumers, central banks, lenders, borrowers, governments and all their agencies and pals like the UN, WHO, IMF etc.

#152Travelling on 09.27.24 at 12:45 pm

#148 Ponzius Pilatus on 09.27.24 at 11:35 am
#144 Travelling
PS: We don’t need cashiers in the stores. There’s this thing called self-checkout. If the cashier job didn’t exist anymore, what do you think the cashier would do instead? Do you think so little of the cashier that it couldn’t be something better?
The interesting part is that many stores are now cutting back on self checkouts.
Because people are cheating and some customers have no clue what they are doing and need help.
A good example where companies’s desire to cut costs meets human nature.


I blame the cheating and theft on organized religion and their indoctrinated flock.


#153Sask to AB on 09.27.24 at 12:51 pm

re:#122 Vancouver Keith on 09.26.24 at 11:55 pm
Great post, thank you for sharing.

#154G on 09.27.24 at 1:27 pm

Hopefully we all make it to Nov. 5th and beyond??

This new group thoughts-view are mostly in a line with mine.
BTW, I’d like to die a natural dead as far into the future as possible, as I think/hope most sane people also do.

But I’m not so sure that all the persons that want to be in charge are of sound mind based on the actions I see taking place despite what they have said, some of them anyway.

I hoping the saner minds in the world say something while they still can to stop us from all being blown up and die from nuclear fall out.
Because I think we all love are children the same and would all like to live in a world that is even better tomorrow, if possible, and without more endless wars that kill human beings, which we all are as far as I know. But some times I start to wonder about that even. And when I hear others say they are better than, or others are less than, might be part of the problem.

Unfortunately I’ve heard similar thoughts talked about in history books.
With some luck and hopeful calmer head speaking up, the future humans on this planet keep having the chance to read the same history books.

This link to 14min YouTube from there news reports-options say way more, than me just typing a lot more. Someone else might be interest in see the info in the link too.

Putin sends a SHOCKING warning to NATO, Stop now or face nuclear consequences | Redacted News

“Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores…”

#155Dave on 09.27.24 at 6:14 pm

#46 Shawn on 09.26.24 at 3:42 pm

Nunavut is interesting with a population age average of 26.8!! Probably a typo? Or it’s because in the dark months there is nothing else to do but make babies?


Not a typo. High birth rate plus dying younger than most. It’s not a pleasant statistic.

The Trump bomb — Greater Fool – Authored by Garth Turner – The Troubled Future of Real Estate (2025)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.